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Kipzer offer creative and innovative website designing services in India, USA, Canada and around world . We have a team of highly experienced and talented Web Developers who are prominent in providing Website Design, CMS Web Development, and Ecommerce Store Development services.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 10am to 6:30pm; Saturday: 10am to 6pm icon_widget_image N 510 Kdp Grand Sawanna, Raj Nagar Extension, Ghaziabad, U.P. 201017 icon_widget_image + (91) 863083-1266 + (91) 901-330-2494 icon_widget_image info@kipzer.com hr@kipzer.com

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Custom Software


What we can build for you with a custom software solution.


Got systems in your company that don’t talk to each other, much less work together? We build enterprise-grade custom software apps that integrate with other systems with APIs and direct database connections. Changing a record in one system can fire off a workflow to route the newly collected data to the right systems and people, get their approvals and signatures, send out notifications to other systems and people, and more.


Does it take forever to put out a new release of your app? Are you spending a small fortune on cloud services? Microservices are narrow purpose apps that expose an API. Think of something like a shipping calculator service. Other teams don’t need to know how it works, but they can use it to build their apps. Microservices can use their own technology stack, have their own development teams.


There is more than one way to store your data, and we save it in the database format that makes the most sense for the app. Most of the time, that means relational databases are used for transactions and non-relational (NoSQL) databases are used for high-volume and quick read access. For example, we might store your e-commerce orders in a relational database and your product catalog in a NoSQL database.


We start by asking questions to understand the need behind the software. Are you opening a new market? Automating a manual process? Looking to make data-driven business decisions? Our developers know you don’t really want software, you want a solution to your problem. This mindset is crucial in knowing where to invest development time.


We are flexible on how we partner with you. We can design, develop, and deploy it all ourselves, or you can add your own people (developers, testers, project managers, scrum masters, dev ops, etc.) to our team for a blended delivery team that is ready to support the software when we go to production. Code may not be needed for pieces of your solution.


Using an agile software development process means you always know what we are building. In fact, the more involved you are and the more feedback you give us, the more the software will match your vision. You can see our work in progress any time or change requirements any time, and you’ll have working software at the end of every iteration.